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Showing posts from January, 2020

Instagram is the new home of the Internet

   And here’s how it is taking over Genesis The app will be 10 years old in 2020. Your first social media image could be ten years old! Instagram has become a vital part of not only pop-culture but also how millennials live and create a digital existence. The double-tap has become such an involuntary reflex, that sometimes you realize you are looking at an image that is not on Instagram when it zooms in instead of a heart popping up. You can find the entire timeline of the app, as presented by Instagram on their  website . What becomes notable here is how it came into being. They called it a photo-sharing community when they launched it with the square aspect ratio without realizing that it could become what it is  today . The reason behind the name and the provision of Instagram are born from the same roots. The founders wanted a name that said, “right here, right now and something camera-y.” An app that is like an instant telegram. The forme...

Why don’t MSMEs prioritize branding?

It’s not just the money. Here’s why they should. T Branding as an industry has had clients that wanted to brand a product that was basically carbonated sugar water (Coca Cola) to remote controlled skateboards (Boosted Board). But these brands did not start out as multi-nationals. They were a part of the MSME sector when they swung into action. There is not much research done in the field of branding small businesses. However, the available research has shown empirical evidence of how investing in branding can prove profitable for a business. The basics MSME is an abbreviation for businesses that fall under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises category. This is determined traditionally on the basis of their investment size. Based on their expanding capabilities, it can develop into a multinational business and that is what we are going to be talking about here. These enterprises may be small in terms of investment, capital, and team but their vision does...

So… we overheard a conversation between two entrepreneurs

“Can I share something with you?” “Yeah, go on mate!” “This is *whispering* Top Secret stuff okay?” “I’m listening..” “I have a  big idea !” “Oh, here we go, again” “What? What’s the matter?” “You see, this is not the first time that you have come up to me for an opinion with yet another big idea right? This is why you don’t look for  ideas , you look for problems worth solving. There is a right time to launch your startup but never a wrong time to get an idea for one. You will get an idea while driving, showering, walking, at work in a meeting, or while pooping” “Gross” “Hey, you wanted examples! Do you know the net worth of Jaquar, Roca and other bathroom part suppliers in India, or their market share for supplying your bidet hose, the butt shower that you use every morning?” “Got your point, no need to rub it on my arse. I’d rather have you continue your idea monologue” “Okay, when y...

A glimpse into modern packaging design

Learn how good packaging influences sales and why it needs to be moved up in the hierarchy of aspects that ensures the success of the new product launch. There are many aspects of how designers conduct packaging design. This piece will talk about the why and how of good packaging design. Does this give you a feeling of milk chocolate flavored toothpaste? That is the power of packaging. Branding and packaging Branding itself is a concept that packages the idea and presents it to potential consumers and all other stakeholders. For many products, the package is branding. This proves why big retail brands keep a big chunk of the capital investment for the packaging design because the return on investment will be higher with good packaging as compared to vigorous marketing. Talk about  branding and sales . The packaging is to the product what branding is to the idea. This difference becomes even more significant when...