Branding in advertising- where brands communicate through stories A freelance writer by day and an actress by night, I can’t help but notice the overlaps that my professions have. In the past few weeks since I started writing for Slangbusters, I realized that there are a lot of similarities between how branding is done and what goes on behind producing good theater. One commonality I found was- storytelling. The assimilation of the two is becoming imperative for the brands to have day by day. So let’s get into it. You might be an outsider to the world of branding and to the world of theatre, let me guide you in. Imagine that creating a brand is just like mounting a theatre production. It will naturally include characters, setting, conflict, action, climax, and the finale. The main character of the story is guessed who, you! What is it that you want your main character to achieve in your play becomes the motivation of your character to move in a certain direction....
Slangbusters is a branding studio focused on creating timeless brands through clear communication. We are here to create timeless brands, by making it easy for you to understand the process of branding so that you can be an integral part of branding your own business. We help you identify and create your tribe. We assist your business or organization to connect with them at a deeper, emotional level.
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