Boom and there was life, boom and there was a realization. Let's talk about the elements that make up the brand identity that we talk so much about. Ladies and Gentlemen, may we have your attention, please. Seth Godin once quoted: "A brand is a set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another." Perhaps, that is the reason why you smile when you have polo and recall, 'a mint with a hole' or think of Fevicol when the linoleum on the floor peels off. Either your favorite brand is mnemonist, empathetic or cuts the mustard for you. Maybe you can't speculate but there is always a strong reason why you like a particular brand so much. Your Brand The word 'brand' is so loosely exploited, that it's broader definition often goes amiss. While your logo, your company's name or tagline might represent what your brand is, branding experts have c...
Slangbusters is a branding studio focused on creating timeless brands through clear communication. We are here to create timeless brands, by making it easy for you to understand the process of branding so that you can be an integral part of branding your own business. We help you identify and create your tribe. We assist your business or organization to connect with them at a deeper, emotional level.